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  • Imbolc


    Amethyst - New Beginnings / Motivation / Hope

    Moonstone - Transition / Rebirth / Initiation

    Garnet - Regeneration/ Revival / Resilience


    Imbolc marks the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.  It marks the period of time when days are getting longer and sunlight is lengthening.  It is typically celebrated February 1 & 2 in the Northern Hemisphere. Spiritually it is a time when new life is coming into manifestation. Imbolc is a time to honour the Celtic Goddess Brigid by lighting white candles to welcome back the sunlight, baking breads (especially with rosemary) and setting new intentions and goals.


    The gemstones of this bracelet align with the vibrations of Imbolc to aid in a regeneration and revival of your spirit as motivation for new beginnings emerge.

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