Heart-Shaped Box
By Joe Hill
A pulse-pounding, terrifying rollercoaster ride of a supernatural thriller—the remarkable 2007 debut from the #1 New York Times bestselling author.
Sooner or later, the dead catch up . . .
Judas Coyne is a collector of the macabre: a cookbook for cannibals, a used hangman’s noose, a snuff film. Many of these objects were gifts from the black-clad fans who made his metal band a legend and made him rich. But not all. When his personal assistant told him there was a ghost for sale on the Internet, Jude knew he had to have it for his private collection. He didn’t think twice.
He should have.
Jude has spent a lifetime evading ghosts—his abusive father; the bandmates he betrayed; Anna, the suicidal girl he loved and abandoned. But this spirit is different. This one means to chase him to the edge of sanity.
His new acquisition—delivered to his doorstep in a black heart-shaped box—is the restless soul of Anna’s vengeful stepdaddy. Craddock McDermott swore he would settle with Jude for ruining his daughter’s life. Soon, everywhere Jude turns, Craddock is there: behind the bedroom door; in Jude’s restored vintage Mustang; outside his window; on his widescreen TV. Waiting—with a gleaming razor blade on a chain dangling from one bony hand. If ever there was a case of buyer beware, this is it…